Adam Levy’s moniker is “The Alcohol Professor “. In this chat we are talking with this self professed beer freak about getting cider makers to enter their ciders into two competition that he runs in New York City and Berlin, Germany.

Adam started the International Spirits Competition in 2008 followed by the International Wine Competition and then the International Beer Competition which is now in its 7th year.
February 11, 2018, the New York International Beer Competition’s 7th judging will be takes place in NYC. Beside beer, this competition also judges ciders and meads.
The cider categories used in the competition come from the United States Association of Cider Makers which just this year (2017) introduced their 10 categories for cider styles. International ciders entering the competition will be judged based upon their country’s styles.
What makes this competition unique is the Judges! Instead of having Makers, Adam has Trade Buyers judge the cider based upon category and price point.
Adam says, “Most people buy based on price. These people are the buyers and distributors some who own craft beer bars and are ordering at restaurants.”
How does entering this competition benefit makers and cider?
-First off, who doesn’t love winning a medal!
-More importantly, Adams says that if he gets enough entries he is open to having a stand alone cider competition!!! And best yet, he is getting very close to the number of cider needed to make it so.
We also discuss:
- How the Gold, Silver, Bronze and regional awards are determined
- Use of digital images from the awards
- Options available for showcasing their awards, such as promoting a win on a cider label.
The Deadline to send cider to the February 11, 2018 competition is February 4th.
Going to CiderCon? Bring your cider to Adam who will be at the vendor area at CiderCon with a table and save money on shipping! You can also enter your cider in the Berlin International Competition and save money on international shipping charges.
Dates to note for upcoming competitions.
- New York International Beer Competition February 11, 2018 Deadline to enter February 4, 2018
- Berlin International Competition – March 4, 2018 Deadline to enter February 4, 2018
To enter your ciders go to: New York International Beer Competition
Contact Adam Levy
Website: Alcohol Professor
Covers beer, wine and spirits
Telephone: 917-338-0163 extension 1
Ask for the following 9 #ciderGoingUP Campaign sponsors – By supporting these cider makers, you in turn help Cider Chat
- Kurant Cider – Pennsylvania : listen to Joe Getz on episode 14
- Big Apple Hard Cider – NYC : listen to Danielle von Scheiner on episode 35
- Oliver’s Cider and Perry – Herefordshire/UK ; listen to Tom Oliver on episode 29
- Santa Cruz Cider Company – California : listen to Nicole Todd on episode 60
- The Cider Project aka EthicCider– California
- Albermale CiderWorks : listen to Chuck Shelton on episode 56
- Cider Summit : listen to Alan Shapiro founder of this cider fest on episode 75.
- Ramborn Cider Co. Luxembourg.
- Big Fish Cider Co. Virginia
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