Why Family Matters for Šraml
In a time when it is getting harder and harder to know exactly where most products come from, it is refreshing to know about the Šraml family and the enterprise that employs nearly the whole town of Podnanos in Solvenia. The company was founded by two brothers, when one wanted a wine press and decided to make it himself. Today the Šraml legacy lives on as the men’s sons are now taking the helm of the factory and design center that is located close to the Adriactic sea by Italy. At CiderCon 2022 in Richmond, Virginia, Ria, Cider Chat MC, had the opportunity to have a sit down chat with Jan Šraml, who like his father is a mechanical engineer and continues the tradition of quality customer service and design.
In this Cider Chat
The country of Slovenia, is a country of fermenters, and for cider the company’s line of equipment helps makers get from apple to bottles. This is also try for winemaker especially in Slovenia where every family has a wine cellar or what is called a “hrm” pronouced Herr-rem. For makers working with 500 kilos of apples or wine ( 1100 pounds) to 10 tons there are 2 types of presses offered by Šraml.
- Pneumatic – good for keeved cider can do a bit of maceration
Continuous belt press

Contact for Šraml
- Website: https://sraml.com/
- North America distributor of Šraml equipment – Criveller group
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