Send Us Cider Samples

Your Cider Samples, Our Palate: A Partnership in Taste

Cider Chat warmly welcomes press samples of cider from producers, importers, and wholesalers.

At Cider Chat, our dedication to exploring the world of cider continues to grow with each sip we take. We understand that the magic of cider unfolds from the orchard to the glass, and we’re eager to delve deeper into its nuances.

A Note to Remember

While we’re thrilled to taste and explore every cider sent our way, please understand that sending samples doesn’t guarantee coverage. However, we’re always tasting and always curious.

Send cider samples to Cider Chat 300x200

Shipping Info

Please fill out the form below. Once done, the shipping address will be supplied.

Thank you for considering Cider Chat as the platform to showcase your cider. We’re eagerly awaiting your samples, ready to embark on yet another tasting journey.

Send Cider Samples

Info required when sending your cider samples to Cider Chat.

Fruit's Origins
Where did the fruit come from? Every location brings its unique twist.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Please list key varieties in blend.
Where can cider aficionados find your creation? Is it a local gem or available more broadly?
Retail Price
This helps us give our followers a comprehensive review.
The Makers and The Cidery
Who is the cider maker and and of course your brand name, and website.
Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.