What is a Pomologist?
Dr. Gregory M. Peck teaches future Pomologist in the School of Integrative Plant Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

Greg’s chat begins at 21:00 minutes into episode 198.
At 8:23 minutes in, I read a letter from Cider Chat Patreon Supporter and Russian cidermaker Maxim Brekht.
Maxim shares:
- a range of obstacles that commercial makers in his country have to maneuver around in order to produce cider.
- how the Peter Mitchel class informed him and what he is doing beyond the Mitchell class to improve his technical cider making skills.
- the Russian palate for cider is not so different from other burgeoning cider communities around the world.
The Feature chat with Greg Peck (at 21:00)
Greg has been in his role as Professor of Pomology at Cornell, since 2015. Pomolgist study a wide range of topics that can focus on apple research, orchard care and cider production.

Greg discusses his initial research project at Cornell
- A bit on how the money works for grant writing a research project
- How the United Kingdom has about the same amount of acreage of apples as New York state.
Says Greg Peck, “The cider industry is going to grow very rapidly”
- What are the best college studies to choose when working towards becoming a pomologist
Find out more at the Cornell Hard Cider website:
Here are some essential URLS for cider research at Mann Library:
- Biodiversity Heritage Library collection: Pomology: Apples and Cider
- Link to the Vavilov Paintings
- Link to the Herefordshire Pomona, 1876
- CHLA Core Historical Literature of Agriculture
- Hive and the Honeybee
- Mann Library digital exhibit: Apples to Cider
- Mann Library Tumblr
- The Pomona Herefordiensis
Follow Gregory Peck on Social Media
- Twitter: @DoctorApples
- Instagram: @applephd
Thank you to the following producers for helping to sponsor Cider Chat’s tour of the Finger Lakes CiderWeek!
- Bellweather Cider and Wine
- Black Diamond Cider
- South Hill Cider
- Finger Lakes Ciderhouse
- Redbyrd Cider
- Go to VisitIthaca.com/craft-cider/ to find the cidermakers by location.
Mentions in this Chat
- October 31st 2nd Annual New England Cider Tour
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