Who is Appels en Peren
Appels en Peren is the first retail store in Amsterdam selling only Apple and Pear products from the Netherlands and European countries such as France, Germany and the UK. In this week’s chat we speak with Heleen Nobel one of the proprietors of the ciderwinkel & Eelco Huizinga who works at the store is quite the authority on cider.

Appels en Peren has moved since this episode was recorded. Find the new address and info below for your next visit to the Netherlands.
Contact info for Appels en Peren
- Website: https://appelsenperen.amsterdam/
- email: info@appelsenperen.amsterdam
- Address: This is a new location for this store, since this episode was released
- Rozengracht 220B
1016 NL Amsterdam

Mentions in this Chat:
- Social Media company mentioned in this chat
- We Are Pr – helping small business manage social media
- Amsterdam Koot a food festival every August
- Guldering Cider in the Netherlands
- 002: Wouter Blijs | Cider Cider, Rotterdam, NL
- 024: Leonard Koningswijk | Bear Cider, NL
- Kröller-Müller Museum – this is located near Arnhem, NL and has free white bikes, amazing landscape and art work.
- 014: Joe Getz | Kurant Cider, Pennsylvania
- 035: Danielle von Scheiner | Big Apple Hard Cider, NYC
- Follow on Twitter @BigAppleCider

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