Mike Schilling delves into the joy of letting a cider go wild, stopping fermentation, double pitching yeast and funky/sour cider.
This chat was recorded before a live audience at Beerology in Northampton Massachusetts on Friday November 4, 2016. Mike and his wife Jordana Starr who co-own the store invited cidermakers traveling to CiderDays to stop in and pick up supplies. It is an easy on off location just a block shy of the hub and bub of downtown Northampton. Note that there is ample parking behind the storefront.
In this chat we discuss:
- Wild yeast
- Double pitching yeast
- Fermentation temperatures
- Making cider in an apartment vs in a cellar
Contact info for Mike Schilling and Jordana Starr
Beerology – website
342 Pleasant Street, #1
Northampton, Massachusetts
- Telephone: 413 – 829-2337
- email: info@beerology.beer
- FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/beerologynoho/
- Twitter: @BeerologyNoho
Mentions in this chat
Ria’s Cider Blends as discussed in this chat

“Funky Lama” (website not up yet -stay tuned, I will tag once it is live) a nano brewery in France making beer with cider from Manoir d’Apreval in Normandy – Listen to the chat with Octave Letellier’s mom Agathe Letellier episode #049. Octave is the brewer at Funky Lama.
Ask for the following 3 #CiderGoingUP Campaign cider supporters – By supporting these cider makers, you in turn help Ciderville.
Big Apple Hard Cider – NYC
Kurant Cider – Pennsylvania
Oliver’s Cider and Perry – Herefordshire/UK
Go to this page to see the ciderchat.com show notes page with photos
Please Help Support Cider Chat’s (Ria’s) trip to the International Hall of Gala Ciders. I am sure I won’t have this trip paid off for a while and every little bit counts. Please donate today.
Social Media company mentioned in this chat
We Are Pr – helping small business manage social media
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