Episode 300 and the song “Strange Apples”
In this episode we celebrate the 300th episode of Cider Chat and release a new cider song titled “Strange Apples”!
This song is one part poking fun at ourselves as cidermakers and enthusiasts for all things cider. I began writing this song one night while sitting along on a sailboat in the Santa Cruz Harbor in Santa Cruz California in August of 2021. I was in town taking care of family (my mom) and had a couple hours to myself, so I squirreled away on my brother’s boat with the intention to put to song a little ditty that was playing out in my head. I wore head phones so that I wouldn’t be cranking the tune and waking the liveaboard sailors around me. Water is my muse, having grown up on a river bank and spent many a night singing with my cousin Jay and friends as we floated down the mighty river.
In a few short days my cousin Jay and I, would go into the Santa Cruz Recording Studio and do the final wrap to this new cider song titled “Strange Apples”.

Lyrics to Strange Apple
Jay Straaange Apples
Jay Bitter Sharp
Guitar rift
Jay Straaange Apples
R&J Juicy Ripe
Guitar rift
Bomp bomp bomp ba da da de do dump
Bomp bomp bomp ba da da de do dump
Jay Who wants a tannin bomb?
Ria I want a tannin bomb?
Jay Who wants to pull them down?
Ria I’m gonna pull them down.
Ria Hay, Hay Hay Apples
R&J Bitter Sweet
Jay Straaange Apples
R&J Hanging high
Drop down
Jay Got those Straaange Apples
R&J Forget the pie
Drop down
Jay Straaange Apples
R&J Squeeze them tight
Jay Got them…. (R&J) Straaange Apples, Straaange Apples
Yes they’re Straaange Apples
R&J Make them Pop!
Pop Pop Pop badada do do dop
Pop Pop Pop badada do do dop
Ria Who wants a tannin bomb?
Jay I want a tannin bomb?
Ria Who wants to pull them down?
Jay I’m gonna pull them down.
Jay Hay Hay Hay Apples
R&J Come and see
R&J Plenty strange apples
R&J For you and me
R&J Straaange Apples, Straaange Apples, Straaaaange Apples
R&J Make them Pop!
Pop Pop Pop badada do do dop
Pop Pop Pop badada do do dop
High Pop Pop Pop badada do do dop
Pop Pop Pop – PopPopPopPop

Looking back at Season 6 of Cider Chat
50 episode from #251 – 300 introduced cidermakers from Germany and throughout North America. Hear their voices and hello on this episode 300.
For historical notes – let us never forget that Season 6 and 5 were completed during a world wide pandemic.
Find all archived episodes for Season 6 and past season at https://ciderchat.com/podcast
Commercial Makers – Enter the New York International Cider Competition
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