Alec Steinmetz, Will Correll and Matthew Meyer are sharing their story of starting an urban cidery. This is Part 1 of what will be an ongoing story of the start-up Buskey Cider.

The cidermaking tanks arrived in February 2016.
- 5 wine tanks
- 4 brewing tanks, which are conical
They pitched the yeast for Buskey’s first cider on March 16, 2016
- 2 – 30 barrels tank pitched with one strain
- 4- 15 barrel tanks all have different strains
- 3- 4.2 barrel tanks for specialty ciders
Opening date is expect in late April when they hope to be serving the first cider to the public. They are working towards a 20-24 day production time.
Advice for new startups?
- Begin with the business plan. You can always add to the business plan where you
- Mentioned Nate West of Reverend Nat’s in Portland Oregon Power Point presentation from CiderCon2013 – Here is the link
- Location
- Equipment
- Licensing
- Time: Expect to always take longer than expected
- Expect long days – 60-80 hour weeksReally believe in it!
- Do as much research as you can “Like listen to Cider Chat!”
Alec found Eric West of very helpful too, as well as, the Virginia Cider Guild

What would you do differently if you were doing this startup again?
Add even more time to your extra allotted time.
Will says, File the permits and making sure you are good on compliance on that end.
What can you expect at Buskey’s Tasting Room?
- Will be offering tours
- You can get a pint of cider.
- Growlers and Howlers to go
- Parking in front and back of Buskey’s with flow over parking in Scott’s Addition, a historical district of Richmond Virginia.
Want to visit Buskey Cider?
- Website
- 2910 W Leigh St
- Richmond, VA 23230
Mentions on this chat
008: Geoff Richardson | Castle Hill Cider, Virginia
Hampden and Sydney College in Virginia where Will won the $10,000 award for this startup
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