Kees Morsink and Margaret Van Helvoort have traveled the world as United Nations aid workers in Africa where they were fermenting everything from yogurt to mango and even doing some distilling. Cider isn’t new to these two enterprising Canadians. Kees had his first spontaneous ferment forty years ago when he put a gallon of cider in his school locker and the cider began to ferment.
Now-a-days they split their time traveling to India, Nepal, and Thailand making jewelry. This lifestlye provides them the ability to manage their own time which really helps with the seasonal demands of cider making.
Four years ago they began the process of starting up a commercial cider making operation at their home. The Tasting Room open in May 2018.

I visited with my Canadian host Ryan Monkman of Fieldbird Cider in June of 2018. We sat down in the Kees and Margarets living room and then moved to the Tasting Room next door.

From May 31st to December 31st you can visit the Tasting Room on Saturday and Sundays from 11-6pm. There is a window that allows viewing into the cidery.
We tasted the full compliment of Kings Mill Ciders, which are all available via their online store. All the ciders made are 9% alcohol by volume (ABV), unless listed below
- Premium
- Premium Dry
- Hopped Ginger
- Hopped
- Ginger
- Russet Heritage – 9.8%
- Scrumpy – 8.2%
- Arrested Development -10%
- Ice Cider – 8.5%
- MFL Sctumpy – 8.1%
Contact Info for Kings Mill Cider Inc.
- 596 Kings Mill Road
- Stirling, Ontario KOK 3EO Canada
Telephone: 613-395-4079
Tasting Room
- Saturday & Sunday 11am – 6pm
Online Cider Store
Mentions in this Chat
- New England Cider Tour November 1st
- Elegast Cidery & Distillery – Netherlands cidery and distillery
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Ask for the following ciders – By supporting these cidermakers, you in turn help Cider Chat
- Kurant Cider – Pennsylvania : listen to Joe Getz on episode 14
- Big Apple Hard Cider – NYC : listen to Danielle von Scheiner on episode 35
- Oliver’s Cider and Perry – Herefordshire/UK ; listen to Tom Oliver on episode 29
- Santa Cruz Cider Company – California : listen to Nicole Todd on episode 60
- The Cider Project aka EthicCider– California
- Albermale CiderWorks : listen to Chuck Shelton on episode 56
- Cider Summit : listen to Alan Shapiro founder of this cider fest on episode 75.
- Ramborn Cider Co. Luxembourg.
- Big Fish Cider Co. Virginia
- Tanuki Cider Co. Santa Cruz California episode 103
- Ross on Wye Cider and Perry, UK
- Process and Analytical NMR Services – John Edwards provides analytics of cider – stay tuned for his Chemical Fingerprints workshop coming up on Cider Chat
- Ironbark Ciderworks, Claremont, California
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