In the vast panorama of art history, certain motifs appear again and again, reflecting artists’ fascination with the world around them. Pommes, or more broadly pomes – which include apples, pears, medlars, quince, and sorbus domestica – have been one such recurrent theme. Cider Chat’s “Pommes In Art” shines a spotlight on these sumptuous fruits, revealing how, across ages and mediums, they have left indelible marks on the canvas of creativity.
Finding Pommes In Art
Art’s many different mediums
- Drawing.
- Painting.
- Ceramics.
- Photography.
- Architecture.
- Sculpture.
- Conceptual art.
- Music
- Cider is a liquid representation of Pommes In Art
Painted Pommes
When it comes to visual art, one cannot overlook the contributions of legends like Van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, and Picasso. Their still lifes featuring apples and pears aren’t mere representations of fruit. They’re philosophical musings, celebrations of color, form, and the transient nature of life.
Take Cézanne, for instance. His apples aren’t just apples; they’re a meditation on form, color, and the juxtaposition of man-made geometry with organic shapes. Hear Cider Chat cover one of Cézanne’s still life with apples on Episode 94.
Arcimboldo’s Edible Portraits
The Italian maestro Giuseppe Arcimboldo works are discussed in episode 217, titled “The Omnia Era of Cider,” Arcimboldo’s groundbreaking portraits incorporated fruits, meats, and other edibles to form faces, an audacious and innovative style for his time. His series on the four seasons and the four elements are lauded not just for their creativity but also for their intricate attention to detail. His portrait of Rudolf II, constructed of fruits and vegetables, remains one of his most iconic pieces.

Wood, Stone, and Cider
Beyond painting, pomes have made their way into wood carvings, intricate stone sculptures, and even cider – the liquid art form that captures the essence of these fruits. Sipping on a glass of cider, one can almost taste the history and artistry behind the production of this beloved beverage.

Pommes in Mythology
Our journey through “Pommes in Art” would be incomplete without acknowledging its presence in mythology. The tale of Pomona and Vertumnus from Ovid’s Metamorphoses – a magnum opus of over 250 myths spread across 15 books – beautifully encapsulates the allure of pommes. Their story, steeped in love, transformation, and a deep connection to orchards, is a testament to how intertwined pommes are with human history and culture. Here About this tale in episode 217.

Share your found “Pommes In Art”treasures on social media with hashtag #pommesinart.
The story of cider is still being written and you are part of the narrative that ties together different epochs, art forms, and human emotions. If you find a pommes in art in a museum, tag sale, carved into a door, or on a china plate in your kitchen cabinet we here at Cider Chat Central would love to know! You can tag Cider Chat on Social media (see below) and make sure to use the hashtag #pommesinart
Something as simple as an apple or a pear can resonate deeply, becoming the muse for masterpieces, the protagonist of myths, and the elixir that brings joy to many. Through the strokes of brushes, the chisel of sculptures, and the fermentation of ciders, pommes have proven, time and again, their timeless appeal in the world of art.
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As a rising tide lifts all boats, Cider Chat believes that Pommes In Art will boost public awareness of cider and the amazing fruits that make this drink so quaffable.