The Perfect Balance at Storum Ranch
Pauline and Bill Storum settled in Julian California after Pauline retired from the US Navy in 2013. Planting an orchard and vineyard on the outskirts of this apple town was rooted in their desire to get their son Kyle, who is autistic, and has a love of round objects engaged. Plus, Bill has wonderful memories of learning about orchard care when he was in high school. Kyle may prefer to stay indoors, but Bill is loving what he call his babies – the apple trees in the orchard.

In 2019, the county finally approved their plans and construction on their 81′ x 36″ steel building began that is both their production area and Tasting Room. Just as they were getting ready to open their tasting room in 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic hit, allowing them to focus on perfecting their business and building.
Today you can visit the Tasting Room which is air conditioned ( a nice treat when the high desert heat kicks in) or step outside on the patio and enjoy a glass.
Ciders at Storum
All ciders are fermented to dry and are made primarily with the wild ambient yeast at the cidery.
They have both single varietal ciders and blends like Harrison and Campfield. The have set up tastings so that customers can compare the same blends from previous years and educate their palates.
Value Added Products at the Tasting Room
- Wines
- Basalmic vinegar
- Olive oil
- Try a delicious non-alcoholic with the shrubs they make at the cidery drink.
- Cider Swag – hats and t-shirts

Hiking spots near Storum Ranch Cider & Wine
Grab a sandwich and snacks in Julian to bring out for a day hike after visiting the cidery.
- Santa Ysabel is a 5 minute drive from the cidery. Find shade, picnic tables, porta potties by the parking lot at the trail head. A great place to have a snack, drink cider and go for a hike.
- Volcan Mountain is a one hour hike and only a 2 minute drive from Storum. Bring layers! At the on road parking area it may be hot but at the view it can get down right chilly.
Contact info for Storum Ranch Cider & Wine
- Website:
Mentions in this Chat
- CiderCon 2023 – February 1-3, 2023
- sign up now for the January 30th Chicago Cider Tours
- New York International Cider Competition February 19, 2023- use promo code: Chat23 for $10 off your entry submission.
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