The Finger Lakes Region is a Cider Destination
In this episode audio snap shots from the area surrounding Cayuga Lake in the Finger Lakes cider region of New York state. This is a 38 mile long lake with 100s of waterfalls, wineries, foodie stops and cider to be had.
CiderweekFLX takes places evert fall!
This region has:
- 10 cider producer surrounding the 43 mile lake
- Go to to find the cidermakers by location.
- Two colleges – Ithaca and Cornell
- Over 150 waterfalls within 10 miles of Ithaca.
- Look for Cascadilla Falls (20’) within walking distance of downtown Ithaca
In this chat
We begin with the origins of the Finger Lakes from Kendall Blizzard the Agriculinary Tourism Marketing Coordinator at Ithaca/Tompkins County Convention & Visitor’s Bureaus .
Kendall and I rode about all week long taking in this magnificent cider region and I thank her for her steady driving and good cheer.
Then we meet Beth Duff, Visitor Experience Specialist at Taughannock Falls (215’ tall – taller than Niagara Falls).

After our overview with Betty, we next chat with Susanne Messmer of Lively Run Goat Dairy. Her son Pete is making award winning cheeses.

Nikolay Vavilov
Our final chat is with Deborah Cooper a Digital and Special Collections Librarian Coordinator of Library Services to Cornell AgriTech, Geneva NY at the Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University
During this chat we talk about Nikolay Vavilov, A Russian and Soviet agronomist, botanist and geneticist who identified the centers of origin of cultivated plants. Paints from Vavilov were going to be thrown out but were thankfully saved before being tossed. These paintings of apples can be viewed via the link below!
Here are some essential URLS for cider at Mann Library:
- Biodiversity Heritage Library collection: Pomology: Apples and Cider
- Link to the Vavilov Paintings
- Link to the Herefordshire Pomona, 1876
- CHLA Core Historical Literature of Agriculture
- Hive and the Honeybee
- Mann Library digital exhibit: Apples to Cider
- Mann Library Tumblr
- The Pomona Herefordiensis
Thank you to the following producers for helping to sponsor Cider Chat’s tour of the Finger Lakes CiderWeek!
- Bellweather Cider and Wine
- Black Diamond Cider
- South Hill Cider
- Finger Lakes Ciderhouse
- Redbyrd Cider
Mentions in this Chat
- October 31st 2nd Annual New England Cider Tour
- November 1-3 – Franklin County Cider Days
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