418: Creative Cider Branding Tips with Cultivar

Paving a Path for Cider Branding at Cultivar

Meet Kirk Evans, the founder of Cultivar Creative. In this episode, Kirk shares his journey from a casual cider maker to a professional brand designer specializing in cider packaging and identity.

Cider Chat Episode 418 Kirk Evans 300x300 (1) Cultivator
Kirk Evans

Cultivar Creative focuses on creating comprehensive brand identities that go beyond just a logo. Kirk emphasizes the importance of a cohesive brand voice, graphical elements, and a well-thought-out brand guideline to ensure consistency across all marketing materials. His approach ensures that even small cider brands can present themselves professionally and attractively to consumers.

The Journey to Cider Branding at Cultivar

Kirk’s journey into the cider world began in early 2020 when he decided to try making cider at home. What started as a hobby quickly turned into an obsession, leading him to a career shift. With his extensive experience in design and marketing, Kirk saw a gap in the cider industry for specialized branding services. Thus, Cultivar Creative was born.

The Importance of Brand Identity

According to Kirk, brand identity in the cider industry involves more than just a logo. It encompasses everything from the brand’s voice to the graphical elements used in packaging. A strong brand identity helps cider makers communicate their story effectively and stand out on crowded shelves.

Kirk’s process includes creating detailed brand guidelines that outline all aspects of the brand’s visual and verbal identity. This comprehensive approach ensures that every piece of marketing material aligns with the brand’s core message and appeals to its target audience.

Branding Tips for Cider Makers

  • Know Your Brand: Understand who you are as a brand and what you want to convey to your customers.
  • Be Bold: Don’t be afraid to be bold and disruptive with your branding. Standing out is crucial in a competitive market.
  • Consistency is Key: Ensure your branding is consistent across all platforms, from social media to packaging.
  • Invest in Packaging: Eye-catching packaging can make a significant difference in attracting new customers.

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